I have heard this discussed a few times recently and the general consensus has been no because you can’t hate something that is so ingrained into the person without hating the person themselves.
I have thought over this one long and hard on both good days and bad days and this is my personal thoughts on it.
Yes! When I have just been punched in the face by my 8 year old again, or had to listen to him want to kill himself in great detail and having to prevent the self harm from that, or my 11 year old is yelling at me how much she hates me because she can’t have a third serving of food or she’s so anxious she can’t leave the house that day. But these are the same children that crawl onto my lap for cuddles, tell me a hundred times a day that they love me and I am the best Momma ever and thank me for the smallest of things.
It is why I believe I can hate autism and love my children because they are not one and the same. Autism does not define my children, no more than their asthma does, it is part of them, it is part of what makes them up but it is not them in their entirety. They are so much more than just their autism.
So when I get punched in the face or bitten, yes I hate autism. When I hear my children talk about wanting to end their lives at such a young age (any age really) yes I really hate autism. When I watch them struggle with the everyday, when fun activities wreck their little bodies with anxiety I hate autism with a passion, to which I make no apology for, but it only makes me love my children even more.